

Research & Documentation: 

Baseline Documentation
The foundation for any historic resource conservation strategy and a requirement for historic designation, baseline documentation provides a detailed history of the property, its construction evolution, and its current conditions. Site plans, floor plans, elevations and a comprehensive photographic record provide the visual components for the document while archival records and architectural analysis make up the body of the report.

Building Histories 

Local archival research, design and construction history analysis, photography (including historic photographs, if available), and conjectural sketches. This service is designed for the homeowner interested in a brief history of their building and can be used towards future preservation and conservation efforts. 

State and National Register of Historic Places Nominations
Working with the appropriate agency (SHPO, THPO, FPO, or local commission) to complete the required research and documentation for nominating historic properties to local and state historic registers and/or the National Register of Historic Places. Individual, multiple property and district nominations can be prepared.

Preservation Planning:

Existing Conditions Assessments
Any treatment of an historic building needs to begin with a condition assessment. An assessment looks at material elements and components of the historic structure, including its structural system, exterior and interior finishes, architectural ornamentation and features, and building systems. Building pathologies, materials analysis, and construction techniques are documented along with written and graphical descriptions. A Conditions Assessment Report may be commissioned as a stand-alone document or as part of a more comprehensive planning activity for a historic property.

Cemetery Documentation, Evaluation, and Conservation Assessments

Cemeteries present a complex challenge for stewards, which can range from private owners, businesses, and non-profits to municipalities. RNB possesses the necessary skills and expertise to help stewards understand and effectively manage these resources. Services include the identification of remote cemeteries; grave marker inventory, photo-documentation, transcription and condition assessments; historical and genealogical research for interpretive media, historical markers, and National Register nominations; materials conservation assessment, cleaning, and stabilization guidance; and maintenance planning. 

Feasibility Studies 

Analysis of the best potential uses for an undeveloped historic property. This document considers several options and identifies the most economically feasible, considerations are made for market trends, transportation studies, regulatory process, project timelines, and life-cycle analysis/sustainability analysis.

Cultural Resource Management: 

Historic Preservation/Rehabilitation Management 

Grant Writing

Monitoring & Maintenance Planning

Maintaining an historic property during and after the implementation of a treatment program can be the biggest challenge for property owners or stewards. RNB can work with you to develop an appropriate maintenance program to ensure that your preservation efforts are not undone by inappropriate care. This will include step-by-step guidance for monitoring the condition of your historic property.

Other Services:

RNB can provide professional photographic services for a variety of property types, either for artistic purposes or for preservation documentation of historic structures and sites to HABS/HAER/HALS standards. We are also available for professional level documentation of preservation projects during implementation and to do comparative photography of historic properties, where historic photographs are available. 

Preservation Advocacy
Help us, Help you. If your group or organization are looking to make a difference for an historic property, RNB can guide an effective campaign to bring attention, public interest, or funding to your cause. Contact us to request a consultation. 

Educational Programming, Lectures, and Workshops
We at RNB are available to assist in the development of educational programming and interpretive media (both in content and design), and to offer lectures or participate in workshops on a variety of topics pertaining to historic preservation and history. 

Architectural Salvage
Recycle, Reduce, Re-use ~ we are committed to saving historic materials from the landfill. We are in the initial stages of establishing this branch of our organization, but if you are looking to dispose of any historic materials or hardware, please contact us. 

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